Does the BCP utility enable you to selectively import rows from a flat
file to a table ?
For example:
The first column in my flat file contains a record type - 1, 2..7
I only need to import types 1, 2, & 3
Can this be specified in the .fmt file ?
Thanks in advance
hharryhharry ( writes:
> Does the BCP utility enable you to selectively import rows from a flat
> file to a table ?
> For example:
> The first column in my flat file contains a record type - 1, 2..7
> I only need to import types 1, 2, & 3
> Can this be specified in the .fmt file ?
It depends on the format of the records, but I would say that it is
highly unlikely. In fact, if the record types are heterogeneous, you may
not be able to write a format file to describe the file at all.
If they record types are homegeneous to fit into one format, you can bulk
load into a staging table, and the move on to the target table from there
with the interesting rows.
Also, if the records appears evenly in strict order: 12345671234567...
you can handle all as one big record. But I would not really expect
your file be like that...
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at|||There are 7 different record types within the file - all different
I am going to parse the file via a dotnet exe.
Thanks for the assistance
Erland Sommarskog wrote:
> hharry ( writes:
> > Does the BCP utility enable you to selectively import rows from a
> > file to a table ?
> > For example:
> > The first column in my flat file contains a record type - 1, 2..7
> > I only need to import types 1, 2, & 3
> > Can this be specified in the .fmt file ?
> It depends on the format of the records, but I would say that it is
> highly unlikely. In fact, if the record types are heterogeneous, you
> not be able to write a format file to describe the file at all.
> If they record types are homegeneous to fit into one format, you can
> load into a staging table, and the move on to the target table from
> with the interesting rows.
> Also, if the records appears evenly in strict order:
> you can handle all as one big record. But I would not really expect
> your file be like that...
> --
> Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
> Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at
>|||One of our people created a table that was, essentially:
record_type int
rest_of_record varchar(long_enough)
loaded the table with a bcp format that was just a field for the record type
and a varchar field for the rest.
Then, he created a SP that used a cursor to walk through the table and T-SQL
decoded the records into various fields and did the inserts into destination
I found out what they'd done after we upgraded from SQL Server 6.5 and the
process stopped working because the rows no longer came out in
First-In/First-Out order. The SP was almost entirely unmaintainable,
We wrote something maintainable and understandable in VB6 (with record
types, liberal use of constant declarations) in a few hours. Much better. *
I wonder if you could use DTS to accomplish what you want? If you haven't
already, why not drop the question into microsoft.public.sqlserver.dts?
* If I remember correctly, the emergency workaround was to add an identity
column to the work table and have the cursor pull rows in sorted order on
the identity column.
"hharry" <> wrote in message
> Hello All,
> Does the BCP utility enable you to selectively import rows from a flat
> file to a table ?
> For example:
> The first column in my flat file contains a record type - 1, 2..7
> I only need to import types 1, 2, & 3
> Can this be specified in the .fmt file ?
> Thanks in advance
> hharry|||dh ( writes:
> One of our people created a table that was, essentially:
> record_type int
> rest_of_record varchar(long_enough)
> loaded the table with a bcp format that was just a field for the record
> type and a varchar field for the rest.
> Then, he created a SP that used a cursor to walk through the table and
> T-SQL decoded the records into various fields and did the inserts into
> destination tables.
Yeah, that's a normal approach to do it. You write a program that reads
the file. But T-SQL is a poor choice for the task, since it's not good
on string handling. And while you can add an IDENTITY, you cannot be
really sure that it works anyway.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at