hello - i have this problem:
i am able to use bulk insert script like
"bulk insert demodb..table1
from 'c:\filename.ext' with (formatfile = 'c:\bcp.fmt')"
to import a binary file into sql server.
table1 has 4 columns, noted column is number 2, type image, here's my format file:
1 SQLIMAGE 0 100184 "" 2 logo ""
i import only the binary file.
however when trying to do the same using bcp with the same format file, it just says
"starting copy..." and goes to sleep !
any idea what i should do?
i created a temp table with just an IMAGE column and then the bcp method works, but i rather need it with my current setup - table with 4 columns
thank youAny error or information on SQL error log for this behaviour.
Can take help of PROFILER to see the activity during this execution.