
BCP call to import data from computer other than server is this possible?


I have written an application which is being used by only 4 people on different computers. The one with SQL Server installed is comp0, then comp1, .... comp4.

Everything was working fine until today when the only user who is authorised (by my application) to perform the data import of BCP files, tried to import the latest BCP files. I am making my bcp command line string and then calling it using the VB Shell call.

If I run the import option from my app on the server it works fine. So at first I thought, ah, the BCP files won't be in the other computers path. I've copied BCP.EXE and BCP.rll but it still doesn't work.

Is it even possible to run BCP from a computer other than the one with SQL Server installed? I really need the import to work on a computer other than the server.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Paul,

What is the bcp command you are tyring to call exactly?




Hi Cris,

The calls is as follows:

strBCPCommand = "bcp database_name.schema." & _

table_name & _

" in " & _

full_path_of_bcp file & _

" -n -T -Sserver_name\sql -V65"

It all works fine when called from the application or command line on the server.



