
BCP blank header line

I am using BCP to export the contents of a view into a text file. Everything is running jsut ifne, except the resulting file has a blank first line. Is there a way to preven this?

BCP statement is as follows:

bcp "select pospay from son_db.dbo.vw_pos_pay order by account desc, code asc" queryout D:\elite\USbank\PositivePay_Current\x340.d150364i. d100.txt -T -c

Thanks in advance for any help!probably the first row is a NULL. is the pospay column nullable? if so you can add a where clause to your query to omit the null.|||You can take help of :-F first_row Specifies the number of the first row to export from a table or import from a data file. This parameter requires a value greater than (>) 0 but less than (<) or equal to (=) the total number rows. In the absence of this parameter, the default is the first row of the file.|||that only matters for importing data, Satya. the OP is exporting.|||Jezemine
Look at the BOL entry I've pasted there: Specifies the number of the first row to export from a table or import from a data file

